I used to do a little comic strip for an old magazine Mat Irwin used to run. One day I walked into his office to find him laughing at his computer, 'Gary! Look at this amazing tranny, we have to do a comic about her.' So, for the proceeding 6 issue's I illustrated the monthly adventures of Patinka.
With 'Patinka's Dream' I had complete brain freeze and couldn't think of anything for to do in the day I had to do it, so I drew this. it was pretty much an excuse to do loads of nutty drawings. looking back it was pretty incoherent but there were some nice moments, so, I've cut it up to show off some of the drawing.
This was a project for a magazine that never went to print. The nice thing about the project is that I was given complete creative freedom. I made these sculptures when I was in my wire/tape/string period a couple of years back. 10 heads were made, these are all I can find at the moment. Pictures were taken by my dear friend and close collaborator Jacob Sutton.